Greetings from our ‘Happy Place’!

Welcome, Empty Nester. Your nest may be empty now… or soon to be. It can be a time of sadness for many as they watch the young ones fly away. Others may find that they are not finding the nest as empty as they thought it would be at this point in their lives. Or they are finding grandchildren arriving in their world. All of these changes make for an emotional transition – from one phase of life to another.

If you are like us, you are not ready to pack it up just yet. You know that there is more going on in the world and you want to be a part of it. We feel the same. Join us as we seek out the next chapter in our lives!

empty nesters


empty nest syndrome quotes
Lifestyle | News

An Empty House: Empty Nest Syndrome Quotes To Help You Cope

Coming to terms with an empty nest can be challenging, but it’s also an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery. As parents, we pour our love, time, and energy into raising our children, and when they leave the nest, we may feel a mix of emotions ranging from sadness to uncertainty. However, the transition into…

empty nester single parent
Family | News

Thriving as a Single Parent Empty Nester: Rediscovering Independence and Embracing the Next Chapter

Being a single parent empty nester brings mixed emotions – from quiet moments to newfound independence. But it’s also a chance for self-discovery, growth, and freedom. Learn how to thrive with practical tips and insights in this article. Embrace this new chapter with confidence!

Ready for Retirement? Avoid These 5 Retirement Financial Pitfalls
Finances | featured

Ready for Retirement? Avoid These 5 Retirement Financial Pitfalls

Common wisdom states that you should start preparing for your retirement on the day that you receive your first ‘full-time’ paycheck. But, as many of us know, that is often easier said than done. For many individuals and couples who are 45+ years of age today, there are many retirement financial pitfalls that may have…

empty nest home ideas
featured | Front Page News | Lifestyle | News | Retirement

New Chapter, New Home: Designing Your Perfect Empty Nest Home

The concept of an “empty nest home” refers to a household where the children have grown up and moved out, leaving their parents behind. This is a significant life stage for parents as they find themselves in a house that was once full of life and activity, but is now noticeably quieter and less bustling….