
Ready for Retirement? Avoid These 5 Retirement Financial Pitfalls

Ready for Retirement? Avoid These 5 Retirement Financial Pitfalls

Common wisdom states that you should start preparing for your retirement on the day that you receive your first ‘full-time’ paycheck. But, as many of us know, that is often easier said than done. For many individuals and couples who are 45+ years of age today, there are many retirement financial pitfalls that may have…

Top 10 Retirement Planning Books for Those Nearing Their ‘Golden Years’
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Top 10 Retirement Planning Books for Those Nearing Their ‘Golden Years’

As we approach the ‘golden years’ of our lives, planning for retirement becomes increasingly important. It’s a time of anticipation, but also one filled with crucial decisions about our financial future. This is where the right guidance can make all the difference, and what better way to gain insights than from experts who have penned…

Unpaid Taxes Might Curtail Your International Travel Plans
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Unpaid Taxes Might Curtail Your International Travel Plans

Now that the COVID-19 international travel restrictions are loosening up (or soon to loosen up) everyone is itching to hit the roads or runways. But, before you pack those bags to catch that next flight to international destinations, make sure your financial house is in order. Our legal correspondent and tax law expert, Jeff Cohen,…

Retirement Financial Pitfalls | Your 60’s are the New 50’s

Retirement Financial Pitfalls | Your 60’s are the New 50’s

Tax filing season is upon us (as of this publishing date), and we may not be focused on our long-term goals until our filing is completed. But, once tax season is behind you, ignore these retirement financial pitfalls during the coming year at your peril.  As this video from MarketWatch points out, the retirement landscape…